Friday, September 08, 2006

Unchurchable Stories::Unchurchable People

Richard Stone, head of the Storywork Institute in Orlando, Florida, says this, “To change an organization you have to change its stories.”

Living on the left hand clasp of the buckle in the Bible belt it is not uncommon for me to run into, on a surprisingly regular basis, disoriented and disenfranchised Christians. These are the over churched and rarely churched who are quickly becoming the unchurchable because of some bit of history they have had with the church. The story of the church and the story of their lives simply do not seem to merge.

If our churches must have stories then our jobs as leaders in these churches is to create the stories that connect. If our churches must have stories then our job as leaders is to take the stories that have existed through the ages and connect them. If our churches must have stories then lets tell the right ones.

Do you want to connect with the unchurchable? Surprise them with a story that they never would have ever suspected the church would tell.

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